Monday, August 20, 2012

Time for Round 2

All summer I wanted to come back to the island and get back into it. Now that I'm finally here and classes will be starting in full swing tomorrow, I'm nervous. I want a few more extra days off!! It's scary enough starting med school, but then to add in the factor of repeating a year - there's even more terrifying.

Oh well, here's to August 2012!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

[SGU Classes] Histology


H i s t o l o g y

Histology is worth 4 credit-hours and is often times not given as much credit. Granted classes like Anatomy & Biochemistry do account for more credit hours and take a long time to grasp, so it's natural to let Histology slide to curb. However, Pathology which will appear during 4th term, uses a lot of it's knowledge from Histology. Knowing Histology really well, will make things easier in Path (or so I've heard)!

Class Structure: - (January 2012)
  • The lectures are interspersed between Anatomy & Biochem classes
  • You have weekly laboratory meetings
  • About 2 weeks before Midterms & Finals - they will post slides for the practical portion of the exam. Know those slides well. Questions could be first, second, or third degree.
Textbook: - There are a couple textbooks for Histology that come with your first term textbooks, but I never used them. The textbook goes in far too much detail than is required for us

Laboratory: The labs were my favorite part, it really helps to keep up with the material. You are given the slides ahead of time as well as descriptions of what you are supposed to see. Every week during the lab, each person presents a certain number of slides. 
  • During lectures, note how the professors identify structures and what they are - you will need it during lab
  • Use your notes & the slides booklet to prepare for the slides
  • If you come prepared, you will get the most out of lab and it will be a rewarding experience
  • Clinical tutors are present at each lab and rotate.
  • Clicker questions during the last 5-10 minutes of lab. It will give you an idea on what structures are important and could easily get confused with. 

  • Dr. Paparro told me, prepare for the midterm/final exams like you would for lab. And that's exactly what I did. Things that are brought up in lab are important, know it cold!
  • When you receive the slides for the practical, get together with a couple friends and write 4-5 things about what you see on every slide. It will take time, but it's a great way to review for the exam & practical.
  • I prepared for lab with a friend who had it during a different session. We would test each other and then report back what additional information our tutors told us. It was a great way to keep up with the information.
  • Do NOT neglect this class, because cramming is difficult.