Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Officially less than two weeks...

It's officially less than two weeks until the slew of Midterms start. AKA Hell week #1 of many. Unifieds didn't go too well for me, or not at least as well as I wanted to (except for Anatomy - I did better than expected -- how did that happen?!). But the good/positive/optimistic news is that I've learned a lot about how to study.

For the first couple of weeks, I would attend lecture (4 hours long), and then watch all those lectures online again - which would take me a good 6 hours, with all the pausing and note taking. Obviously, I couldn't finish watching all the lectures that day, so it would pile up for the weekend. And by the time the weekend came around, all I would be doing is watching the lectures and playing catch-up. I then realized that I learn better on my own than going to class, so I started skipping a few classes here and there, and that caused me to get even more behind! By the time Unifieds came around, I was just trying to get caught up! I didn't have enough time to go over the material and actually study it.

Now I've been going to lecture, absorbing whatever I can in the 4 hours, and only watching the slides where I had absolutely no clue what was going on. I've learned that it's not important to write down every single thing the professor says, but rather understand the big picture; the other stuff will come with repetition.

I just want to get through midterms. I know how to study now, and I just want to start on a clean plate! These next two weeks are going to be CRAZYY - to say the least, but I'm optimistic that I'll survive. 


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