Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Schedule

I've recently found how important it is to have a schedule. Well, I knew this already; prior to entering medical school, I pretty much scheduled my entire day. That's the only way I was able to get anything done... However, being here - it's so easy to get off schedule. Instead, I made a to-do list with everything I hoped to accomplish that day and during the weekends. In essence, that was good - it was a little less stressful if things got off schedule, but it wasn't grounding.

While studying, I get really caught up on the details (that's the engineer side of me) instead of trying to encompass the full picture. With my old-time schedule, I was grounded to finish studying a particular lecture given the amount of time. It helped to "move along", and if I was really confused about a particular aspect, I can look it up later or ask the professor.

In addition, I've adjusted my sleep schedule to how I normally function. I'm a morning person - by the end of the day, my efficiency level starts dying. So, I'm doing the whole "early to bed, early to rise, makes man healthy, wealthy, and wise!" I've been sleeping at around 11/11:30 and waking up by 6:30. Knock on wood, it's been going great this year, so I hope I can continue it in the coming weeks. Although, I really wish classes started at 8, so we had more time to study...but whatever - I can't complain about everything! haha. 


Neuro Chick- Kid Doc said...

Jenny, I hope things are going better. I have been getting a bit of traffic from your blog so decided to check out your corner of the internet. For what it is worth I was never a "great" student and pretty much just hoped to pass and not decal all of first year. But somehow I made it... so keep plugging ahead and you will make it too. Take advantage of DES. I think my anatomy DES group helped enormously. I had to ask to get placed into a special extra group but it was worth the hassle and then later for physio I was placed into a DES group without having to ask. There is help, you just have to advocate for yourself to get it. And It gets easier in that it gets more relevant... Just keep going and best of luck to you.

shades_of_red said...

Thanks a lot reading and your comment. It's definitely been a rough transition, to say the least. Congrats on making it to 3rd year, and all the best for your magical moment (Match Day) next year!

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