Tuesday, April 24, 2012

15 | 22

15 days until I'm done with finals!
22 days until I'm back home!

I've already told my parents what they need to bring at the airport: Taco Bell! Continued with a week long of fast food pleasures! Although I am going to miss the luxury of converting down to dollars. Sometimes it's nice to be worried at how much I spend at IGA, but when I convert it to dollars, I don't feel as bad. For example, one meal generally costs me around 20 EC - which is only $8. But when I'm back in the states, $20 means $20.

In other news, I did contract housing for 1 year when I signed my housing for this term. That means, I will have guaranteed on-campus housing for my first year here. However, a few of my friends have looked for off-campus locations to live. I went with them to look at a few places - it was really nice! When I think about the cost factor, it does seem like you can live comfortably well and still save around $500-$1000 each term by living off campus. While it is a good amount of money being saved, when you add up how much tuition is, it's really not THAT much. The most expensive thing in medical school is time, and I'm not sure how much time gets eaten away with living off campus. Who knows, it might actually end up saving time since you can be more efficient while on campus. I don't know...but I am opening up to the idea of living off campus. But, let's see how next semester goes. It's just nice to have a place to call "home" instead of a dorm room.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The countdown starts...

As of yesterday at 6:15pm, I have only a month left before I back in my hometown! (not leaving Grenada, but physically landing in my hometown). It's crazy how fast the semester has flown by. In actuality, it was moving quite slow for my until March - and then everything after that just seems to fly by. Every time I think about packing, and worry how I am possibly going to get all of this stuff home. I'm mostly worried about my textbooks and notes. I'm still very fond of the hand-writing-notes tactic, so I'm not too sure how to transport all of this. Textbooks alone are a suitcase in itself! This will be interesting...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Sleeping Patterns

I came across an interesting article today. These articles talk about the importance of different aspects of sleep. I had always heard bits and pieces of this information throughout undergrad from my professors, but it was an interesting read to understand the science behind it. In my current situation, I've noticed how more efficient I've become with a more scheduled/routine sleeping pattern. In addition, I've haven't even touched coffee! Imagine that!! :)

In undergrad, I remember specifically one of my professors told me to sleep on a particular topic I was having trouble memorizing. He advised to think about it while I doze off into sleep, and I'd definitely remember it the next morning. I tried it, and much to my surprise it worked! With the shear amount of information we're required to know here, it's difficult to do that for everything, but it's worth a try for things here and there that just won't stick!